leading to update 2,0,Beta

We've been painstakingly driving ourselves wild. Bonkers if one will :)

For we wish to exhume a proud moment, known as, this will change the world within the game.

For a moment, of say 5 days length, the game has existed with a single archetype for an enemy.

Now, in a matter of 2 or 3 updates, leading to 2,0Beta. There shall reside within, 3 varying archetypes of spell casters, and 2 new non magical Imp-.types.

This will do nothing for our known world.

But bravely, do I bequeath upon you, a word.

For our Fallen Warrior[s] throughout the land[s].



Umbra: is a fellon not, but a fallen shadow realm. Beyond the reach of light[s].

Stallion in our case: as being a relationed warrior rider regalian to the Calvalier of an Elvish Fantasy realm.

This is our contextual target riddance for the player's naming structure. Known as a body entanglement, or a convex hull.


In the workings of the Godot Engine, a Convex Hull is easily apprehended as an area triggering with a collider. It's one of the simplest, fastest to implement and easily registered functions for a collision in the gaming world. Perhaps not the most powerful, as it only returns a single entity, but there are other more preferred methods for such a feat, as in listing all within an area.

One of the new spells to expect, will be a touch spell, for necrotic dps. For it will apply, damage over a regression of time, upon the player's named entity.


UmbraStallion1,4,3.zip Play in browser
May 04, 2022

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