Version 3.0_1 [tutorial] is live.

Hoping that the small patch improves User-Experience...

Game over is no longer  a red screen.

You are a Soliche, a Grablee, or a Murttle, of either classes [Shamana, Witch, & Inquisitor].

You find yourself, trapped in a dungeon, with no clue just how far into it, you already were, prior.

The game loop, is point & click, as in commands, interactions, and UX.

Genre: Interactive Fiction, with Procedural-Generation.

It offers some light Roleplaying, with stat-use-skill-based, and stat-based-combat-systems.

Soliche: A sun-fish hybrid with a hominid.

Grablee: A tolkein-esque mychonid like being.

Murttle: A tree-folk akin to said, dryads.


There are a few ways the game can be broken, that are needing addressed, at a later date.

In 3 days, i built a framework, and handed it off to my programming buddy. Found a few artists and potential composers. Over the course of a week, we managed to produce, a working demo. Of a game which possessed no other genre, than roguelike, until we realize, we lack battlers and or adjacent bumper-mechanics.

Release date 45 days ago
Authorindiana grd
GenreInteractive Fiction, Adventure
Made withGodot
Tagscrpg, demo, Homebrew, Pixel Art
Average sessionAbout an hour
InputsKeyboard, Mouse

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You still around my guy? I havent seen you on discord and was trying to make sure you are alright.

as of now, yes. thank you for your concern i am wanting to recover this project so badly.