Life took a toll, am back now.

Life, took a turn for worse for me, as I stopped recieving assistance on my mind.

I plan on stepping back to this project soon, yet I need to find my friend Kurt, so I can gain access to the github.

I mean it, I lost everything this year, and just now have a place to live. 325 days ago, this game had a lot of momentum.

That said, I will be making a promissory update blog in a bit, for the coming month. I finally have a lenovo pc so I can keep work up.

The friendships I made as a developer are thankfully still well, but I feel expressing disapointment in me, for having abandoned progress on my own growth.

Now, as to the promissory next build:

1 new class

2 a new perception stat cost character mancy feature/function.

2&u a new set of icons, as I see the game is pretty, but I don't enjoy the pallet at this time.

2&U2 there will be a new set of sounds created at a later date.

that said, I will be doing an under the hood update to modernize and cluster class styles, and abriefly adding a new push for motion to the character, and flair the dungeon experience some.

3 new types of dunceon spaces.

this is my promise for the next 2 months of builds.

I will be adding to the list, or neatly trimming it as I go.

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Oct 25, 2022

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