How to Play, Kalvgv II, Scepulachure as v 0.2.nn

First of all, you are a ginseng. And all veggie eaters want to nom you to death.

1: the mouse does most of your actions, combat, and gathering of resources.

2: the keyboard handles spells, inventory, huds and movement.

1- To shoot your bow, you need to aim beyond the squirrel, or your arrow will be underpowered. Once you've found the right moment beyond the squirrel, left click will fire an arrow, if you have ample arrows to your character's roster/inventory. After which, if you don't break the arrow on a hard surface, you may collect said arrow with a right click by mousing over the arrow.

2- To recover health, you must first be A) near an accorn, and then collect the accorn with a right click and mouse over, or B) be out in the sunlight, for an absorption based recovery, at 1 pt : 1 hp. 

3- If you run out of stamina, or don't have enough, your bow will never fire. You recover at a 1 pt : 1 stamina pt based on respiration point.

4- To run, or dash, hold down the shift key and pick a direction.

5- to access your character's sheet, press c, and use the mouse wheel to navigate the screen. There are stats, skills, and inventory.

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